Rubric for Project Fund Review
Once ACT staff reviews an application for eligibility and completeness, it is reviewed by a Project Fund panelist.
Panelists are Providence-based cultural practitioners who are often affiliated with organizations that have received Project Fund grants in the past as well as funders, grant-makers, artists and other experts in the nonprofit cultural fields. ACT convenes 5-6 panelists each spring and fall to discuss funding allocations for Project Fund applications. The panelists review all applications but focus on just a few (the panelists “portfolio”).
Panelists begin with the assumption that each application is deserving of funding. They use the following allocation system to a raw score out of 100 points to each one in their portfolio. The system is based on ACT’s grant-making and programmatic priorities.
Panelists have broad leeway to use this point allocation system to help them make decisions about giving total or partial funding. In some cases, applications that make it to panel are deemed ineligible for or undeserving of funding, but such determinations are exceptional and rare.
CLARITY (40 pts total)
The application clearly states what will be done; when and where things will take place; why the project should be supported with public funds; and how the applicant will go about organizing, managing and evaluating the project.
ACHIEVABILITY (20 pts total)
The budget is clear, detailed, and accurate. There is evidence that what is proposed is achievable by the applicant, on their own or in partnership with others. The budget allocates money in alignment with the project narrative.
ACCESS (5 pts total)
Project prioritizes access for artists and audience members regardless of differences of ability and language.
- Maximum points awarded for projects that are designed by, for and with people with access needs.
- Minimum points awarded if there is mention of access without clarity on the people who created the plan or its integral nature to the project.
- Zero points awarded if there is no mention of language or ability access in the proposal.
CULTURAL EQUITY (10 pts total)
Project speaks to the specific populations of Providence’s culturally under-resourced neighborhoods and communities.
- Maximum points awarded if the application addresses how residents from underserved neighborhoods or cultural groups are thoroughly integrated into the project from conception to production.
- Minimum points awarded if there is mention of underserved neighborhoods or cultural groups without clarity on the people who created the plan or the integral nature of cultural equity to the project.
- Zero points awarded if there is no mention of how this project speaks to the specific populations of Providence’s culturally under-resourced neighborhoods and communities in the proposal.
Project will enable the applicant to take on new challenges, build capacity, or develop professionally. This can include specific institutional or artistic challenges that the program is meant to address; ways that the program will build capacity for the organization or artist/s; professional development goals that the program will help the applicant artist/s or organization achieve, etc.
- Maximum points awarded if the application speaks to multiple goals for change and transformation.
- Minimum points awarded if the goals addressed are not feasible with this proposal.
- Zero points awarded if the application does not address how the proposed project will enable the applicant to take on new goals.
RESPONSIVENESS (5 pts total)
Project addresses specific current challenge and goals of underserved neighborhood-based and/or cultural communities.
- Maximum points awarded if the proposed project is grounded in the challenges and goals of the community it aims to serve.
- Minimum points awarded if community challenges and goals are mentioned but not core to the project or the applicant.
- Zero points awarded if the applicant does not mention how the proposed project addresses specific current challenge and goals of underserved neighborhood-based and/or cultural communities.
IMPACT (5 pts total)
Project benefits a significant number of artists; or a small number of artists significantly and serves a large audience or a small audience in a significant way.
- Maximum points awarded if the budget and narrative support a meaningful number of artists well and direct the project’s efforts to specific underserved cultural communities/neighborhoods that these artists are connected to.
- Minimum points awarded if the proposed project does not reach either a meaningful number of artists or audience/community members OR if the project does not direct efforts to specific underserved cultural communities/neighborhoods.
- Zero points awarded if no artists are compensated.
Because the Project Fund is a direct allocation from the Providence City Council, application must address how the project will serve the Providence community either by attracting visitors, bringing back skills or supporting local efforts to build a brighter community.
- Maximum points awarded for clarity on serving visitors and locals.
- Minimum points awarded for marginally serving one or the other.
- Zero points awarded if this project does not serve the Providence community in anyway.