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Saturday, March 15, 2025
ACT News and Reports

Public Art Coming Soon

As the snow thaws and we emerge from our blustery hibernation, we may have a tendency to pick up the pace, to cram more in, to take advantage of every gaining minute of sunlight by running from place to place. I encourage you to take a moment and allow yourself to hold on to the slowness a bit longer. To actually take in the sun, walk gently, notice what new surprises are out there. You’ll find that local public artists are hard at work, bringing new life into those spaces we’ve often hurried past. Keep an eye out for rotating banners from artist Mary Beth Meehan’s Seen/Unseen project, and for Southside Stories, a new installation in Trinity Square brought to you by the Steel Yard, artist Anna Snyder, and students from Alvarez High School. Both of these projects are commissioned by ACT, and will install later this spring.

In other news, we have selected four public artists to produce temporary public art projects at PVDFest. These four artists surpassed two highly competitive rounds of review. We will announce who they are at the PVDFest press conference on March 21 at 12:30pm. Stay tuned for a sneak peek!

And lastly, we are excited to share that ACT and the Art in City Life Commission are putting the final touches on our City Public Art Master Plan. We hope you can join us on April 26th at 4:00pm at as220, where we will celebrate the completion of our plan and share more about its recommendations. We are holding on to the details until our big unveil, but know that we have lots of exciting projects coming up.