Award-winning Author Yuyi Morales visits Roger Williams Middle School
On the morning of Friday, October 12th, Rhode Island Center for the Book and Rhode Island Latino Arts (RILA) collaborated with Turnaround Arts Providence to bring Caldecott Honor artist and five-time Pura Belpré Award winner Yuyi Morales, who is currently touring to support her latest book, Dreamers, a celebration of what migrantes bring with them when they leave their homes.

In 1994, Morales left her home in Xalapa, Mexico and came to the US with her infant son. She left behind nearly everything she owned, but she didn’t come empty-handed. Released on September 4th, 2018, Dreamers reflects upon the importance of literacy, the joys of libraries, and the value of finding safer spaces in a foreign land.
Morales shared her experiences and her art during her visit with first and second generation immigrant youth at Roger Williams Middle School. The RILA team provided teachers with 55 copies of Dreamers (in English) which were signed by Morales. Copies of her book will also be made available to the school library in both English and Spanish.