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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
ACT News and ReportsCelebrations and EventsSponsored by ACT

Public Art In PVD: Public Art Master Plan Unveiling

We did it!
On April 26th, 2018, Mayor Jorge O Elorza, the Department of Art Culture + Tourism, and the Art in City Life Commission together unveiled the Art in City Life Plan- the City’s first master plan for public art.
Many thanks to all who packed the house at AS220 and celebrated this milestone for our Department and for the City at large! We continue to be inspired by the prolific and provocative work produced by Providence artists and are thrilled to have a plan in place that will allow the City to actively commission and conserve a public art collection across all neighborhoods.
We thank our consultant firm, Via Partnership LLP,  members of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee, our City colleagues who served on our Interdepartmental Working Group,  and all those who attended focus groups, interviews, the Imagine Art Here! Workshop and completed our online Survey. Hundreds of Providence residents were a part of making this plan a reality. We could not have done this without a community of dedicated artists, arts administrators, residents and neighbors. Thank you.
The Art in City Life Plan is now available online in full and as an executive summary.  VIEW IT NOW BY CLICKING HERE.
Right now ACT is busy developing the inaugural annual work plan for ACT Public Art, the City’s first public art initiative, to go before the Art in City Life Commission in July 2018. We will gradually unveil Calls for Art throughout the fiscal year, including our first Public Art Residency in a Recreation Center. More to come! We will announce public art opportunities here in our newsletter and on social media, so be sure to stay in touch with us!