El Rumor De La Sangre, 9Roads, and Year of the City Programming
ACT is delighted to be supporting Teatro ECAS‘ reprise production of “El Rumor De La Sangre” with English supertitles between February 21 and March 3, 2019. According to ECAS, “Many families in the Southside of Providence are multi-lingual, with younger generations more fluent in English than their Spanish native parents. Simulcast English will allow the whole family to come and enjoy the plays together!”
El Rumor De La Sangre
De: César Sánchez Beras.
Dirección: Francis Parra.
Duración: 90 min.
Drama historico.
Recomendada para adultos.
La obra se centra en el conflicto mortal de un hombre, el Teniente Amado García Guerrero, que sirvió bajo el mando del dictador Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina. García se encuentra en una lucha de poder por su alma, después de descubrir la crueldad y los abusos del régimen de Trujillo que entran en conflicto con sus propias lealtades hacia su amante, su familia y la decencia humana.
By César Sánchez Beras.
Directed by: Francis Parra.
Running time: 90 min.
Historical drama.
Recommended for adults.
The play centers around the mortal conflict within one man, Lieutenant Amado García Guerrero, who served under the dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina. García finds himself in a power struggle for his soul, as he discovers the cruelty and abuses of the Trujillo regime conflicting with his own allegiances to his lover, his family and to human decency.
In Spanish, with English Translation Supertitles
For more information and tickets, go to Teatro ECAS’ “El Rumor de la Sangre” webpage.
57 Parkis Ave. Providence, RI 02907
(401) 421-3227 – 421-ECAS
ACT is also thrilled to be supporting artistic personnel costs for 9 Roads, a new dance theatre work by Denizen Arts that explores the themes of ancestral memory, mourning, and familial responsibility. It focuses on the passing of a family’s matriarch and the homecoming of all her nine children for the ceremony of her home-going. 9 Roads will feature an original recorded and live, acapella sound score, digital video projection and set design.
9Roads and other dances
Rhode Island College Dance Company
Denizen Arts in “9Roads” and other dances
Choreography by yonTande Whitney V. Hunter with dancers
Special guests Rhode Island Dance Company
“Solo for a Woman” (2006)
Performed by Jessica Pearson
Original score: Pat Daugherty
“Signs of living in spite of and in the midst of fierce uncertainty”
Original creation: 2006
Restaged: 2019
Performed by Rhode Island College Dance Company
Music: Torgue/Houppin
“9Roads” (New work premiere)
Performed by Amy Marie Burns, Jordan Breen, Kei Cobb, Lea D’Arminio, Matt Garza, yonTande Whitney V. Hunter, Mekbul Jemal, Jessica Pearson, Shaffany Terrell, Rose Weaver
Original score: Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste
Costumes/Props: Matt Garza, Kyle b. co., Hunter
Tickets: 401-456-8814
Online ticketing: TBA
Students: $5 General Admission: $15
Forman Theater
Nazarian Center for the Arts @ Rhode Island College
with support from AS220 Live Arts – Dance Program, Providence Art, Culture, + Tourism, and Southside Cultural Center of Rhode Island. For more information see the Facebook event.

Year of the City Launches!
Year of the City: The Providence Project, an unprecedented year-long exploration of the history, life and culture of Providence’s twenty-five neighborhoods through exhibitions, performances, walks, lectures, and conferences produced by more than 50 different curators. Some Year of the City exhibitions will be up for the entire year; other events are fleeting. Some programs have been initiated by the city’s largest cultural and historical institutions; others have been created by individuals working with shoestring budgets in unexpected spaces throughout Providence. Together, these projects reveal new stories and new ways of thinking about this city.
This project grew out of conversations that we had with each other way back in 2017 about projects that each of us were working on that centered on transformations in the physical fabric of Providence in the 20th century. Inspired by Pacific Standard Time – a collaboration in Los Angeles first launched in 2012 that brought over 60 of the city’s arts and cultural organizations together to produce programs around a common theme – we dove in and hosted several open-ended meetings in 2018 to see whether others were interested in pursuing some of these questions as well in the course of a year. These programs are the result.
For more, check out the Year of the City website.